Friday, 29 June 2012

Scarecrow No. 6 - Straw Power (2012)

This year the village scarecrow theme was the olympics so after much debate as to which sport to pick we settled on weightlifting.  This years theme needed a much more dynamic pose than previous years (though not as dynamic as the pole vaulting idea I was pushing...) so a complete rebuild of the basic frame was in order.  In fact we went back to basics:

Initial wooden frame (April 10th 2012)

We recycled previous years wire and by the end of the day we had a basic body shape.

Basic body shape (April 10th 2012)

Some months pass and we improve the body parts.  Caroline has been working on the head and we go for the first freaky dressing of our Olympian.  Another year and another wig supplied by the excellent FiFi's in Swanage.

Head, arms and floating weight bar... (June 10th 2012)

2 weeks later and Caroline has finished most of the body dressing and has started adding the straw.  The weights are added (polystyrene ceiling tiles on a garden cane sprayed silver - even I could lift them!)

Full dress rehearsal (24th June 2012)

The big day arrives and (St)raw power is moved to the front garden for display.
Finished - (June 29th 2012)

Despite this being probably our most ambitious (certainly the biggest - it came it at nearly 7ft) and I think most successful scarecrow to date, we failed to place in the votes.  Caroline puts it down to his face and the fact that we think we scared the children.  Hey it is a scarecrow I suppose.