I started to rig up some different coloured LEDs on the breadboard when I thought: "traffic light!". Then as I was rummaging for an amber LED I remembered a school project my eldest daughter had made last year - a set of traffic lights (complete with waiting car)! So, in the true spirit of recycling (and to give the whole project the hither to missing element of child appeal) I connected up my daughters traffic light project to the arduino thus:
I just added in a couple of 220 ohm resistors to protect the LEDs and then hooked them up to pins 13,12 and 11:
To start with I'm just sent simple signals via a terminal console from my second radio module. I programmed in a series of commands such as individual on/off, a proper pelican STOP, proper pelican GO and some fancy flashing sequence.
You can see these demonstrated (by my daughter) in the video below:
The (possibly) final stage of this project was to create a more user (child) friendly UI. I used Processing for the first time to do this. All I had to was install the serial library and point processing at the right serial port. I applied my stellar design skills and came up with the following:
Simple point and click. Unfortunately by now both my daughters had gone to bed so I'll have to wait until tomorrow for some user feedback!
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